I was brought into the fold and the love of Spanish / Flamenco music at a very young point (suspect around the age of 5) or maybe better stated, as far as I can dig back on the Memories / Hard Drive of life which is now going on 60 years... The first song in my memory, be it intentionally played for me as a child or just a drive-by shooting for me, metaphorically speaking, while running or cruising through the living room, was the tune Malagueña! And quite sure I put it into park (at least for a few moments) and just sat there and twisted my head side to side and off-center like some puppy, memorized by the sonic vibes as I tried to soak it up and process it all 😊 And knowing that tune I suspect, that I spun off afterward looking for a Bull to Fight like the Looney Tunes character Taz and oh do I wish I had that same amount of energy and lack of pain when falling now!
Since that time, and I suspect around 1967, I have had a disciple-like following of the genre, and many of those songs I call "Tunage," for I will just spool them up and loop them over and over again and let them marinate into my mind on my special mental playlist I affectionately call the DDT "Dave's Decompression Tank" tunes and have them playing while running the Skiff along some beautiful shoreline or carving my way up some Mangrove lined creek. This, or just sitting back home at the end of the day with my camera beside me and a drink while watching the Sun go Down at the end of another day in paradise while enjoying God's creation and Artistry with scenes like this...
So, when my awesome Bride, as a surprise wedding present, commissioned the master guitar artist David Feder - Ole Spanish Florida Guitar Master, to play at our wedding at Playa Largo with his brand new Guitar...
I was over the Moon! While sitting at the reception and taking it all in, I tuned in his music to drown out all the other background sounds and the demands of my time while focusing on Her.
Later that evening, after thanking and hugging many dear friends and family who traveled to Key Largo for our special day, I finally got a chance to talk with Dave about his instruments and playing style. It was another special memory of that day speaking with and quickly becoming friends with Brother Dave that I will keep for the rest of my life!
Dave and I also (of course) got to talk some Flats Fishing, his home and artistic efforts in Islamorada, and the extraordinary friendship he had with Jose Wejebe, who was a media pioneer and very influential in our space with his long-running TV show I also loved (still do) Spanish Fly...
And what I think sets the mood for myself and many others when watching it. It was the show's theme, for it conveyed Dave's music, which also played with Jose, a large part of our Vibe and Soul here on Flats Nation! You know that Ole Spanish Florida feels many of us have and share for the Love of and History of our Great State! So, here in honor of Jose, and that vibe is his Last Show, and see if you also agree.
David Feder, though, is awesome, and many came up to me that evening, remarking how great he was! And from some I know, this is not their musical genre of choice or the first thing they would fire up back home or in their SUV. They might now, and this speaks to the appeal of his musical talent, playing style, and presentation.
Here is another sample of Dave's music and one of my personal favorites; see if you agree.
You can learn more about Dave and his music by clicking Here and on his YouTube channel. Also, if you play guitar yourself, you can pick up some playing tips from the Master himself online on this section of his Site. Contact Dave for private instruction or take in one of his workshops.
I was unaware until I started to research this article (our inaugural one for this section of Flats Nation, by the way!) that Dave is quite the painter simultaneously! You can view it, and if you find something you like, pick up some of his works for your home or office by clicking Here.
I trust you will enjoy his music as much as I do, and I am looking forward to hearing it on the Skiff (everything sounds better there) once life gets back to being at least semi-normal post-Hurricane Ian.
Last but not least, which I am looking forward to recording, is a Podcast with Dave on his career, influences, and, of course, Fishing! We are in discussions with Dave on writing and recording our Flats Nation theme music to use for all our Podcasts and other projects! I was just stoked big time over his kindest offer to do such this and to hear it played on his newest guitar he just picked up in (I believe) Spain. I had the pleasure of hearing him play it already, and it has just a wonderful warm tone due to its construction.
Enjoy, and if you need a mental break, even just for a few minutes, purchase some of Dave's music and exhale some... I suspect it is much less harmful than any Blood Pressure Medication your Doctor can prescribe and a lot less expensive! 😊
In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few other Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Our main podcast page works great for your mobile device since it will stream right on your phone/tablet. It can be found by clicking Here
Our new Flats Nation YouTube Channel can be found by clicking here and sharing it with family and friends if you find it entertaining and educational! We have some great guests in the works and planning stages on a wide range of topics and product coverage soon.
Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection, if you like our content, has some new works, from T-shirts to our newer Technical wear, just in time for Tarpon Season, which can be found Here.
Tight Lines, and God bless!
Dave and the Team